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Furniture Promotion Possibilities Tip #2: Your Sales Team

Furniture World News


By Ron Cooper
director of sales and marketing
Profit Management Promotions

Many furniture store owners can’t spot the warning signs that a strategic sales promotion should be conisdered to boost sales and profitability. Last week we looked at a warning sign tied to a store’s merchandise mix. Here’s the second key signal, which ties to a key operational issue: your sales team:

Operational Opportunities:  There are many operational challenges that signal the need for a sale. One of the most important involves your sales team. When your store’s revenues are down, your sales people’s motivation goes down too. That’s because if you’re not making money, they’re not making money either (and nobody’s happy!). Often times, however, the problem is the sales team itself. Tough times take their toll. Your sales folks often need a “shot of adrenanline” to get their energy up and, in turn, improve their sales effectiveness. Human psychology tells us that sellers’ sales skills continually need to be honed. Periodic training is crucial. Interestingly, if your team has been lagging, a high-impact sales promotion can be just what the doctor ordered to reinvigorate your sellers and, in turn, your sales.

Today’s take-away: Talk with each member of your sales team. Gauge how they’re feeling (motivationally speaking) and whether or not they have the energy and enthusiasm to do the job. It may be time for training by a professional promotion firm … or for a change in personnel!

Editor’s Note:  This is the second installment of a  new weekly column – Promotion Possibilities – that provides tips, tactics and techniques for using sales promotions for business gain.

About Ron Cooper & Profit Management Promotions: Ron Cooper is director of sales and marketing for Profit Management Promotions – one of the nation’s leading sales promotion firms serving the home furnishings industry. Established in 1985, the company is headquartered in Jamison, Pennsylvania, and maintains regional offices in New York, New Jersey, and North Carolina.

Sales Promotion Tips From PMP

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