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Eclipse International and Eastman House Open New Las Vegas Showroom

Furniture World Magazine


Eclipse International and sister company Eastman House announced the opening of a new showroom space at the World Market Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.  The new showroom is located in space C-1538, on the 15th floor of Building C.  With approximately 1,874 square feet, the new showroom is more than three times the size of the previous Eclipse/Eastman House showroom.  Although the previous World Market Center showroom was a great success, the continued growth of both brands (even in 2009!) necessitated the move to a larger space.

The new showroom features Eclipse and Eastman House models from both domestic and international licensing members.  In addition to unveiling the latest in new technologies, ultra premium line ups, and eco-friendly products, refreshments will be served at the grand opening this February.

New Products

Eclipse International and sister company Eastman House have expanded their product lines for the grand opening of their new showroom (located at space C-1538 on the 15th floor of building C) at the World Market Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. At this February’s market, the “E-brands” will have product representation from both domestic and international licensing members. 

The Eclipse product line-up features an expanded range incorporating its patent pending “Zoned Quilt Technology”.  The latest in the Eclipse arsenal of mattress enhancing patented technologies, the Zoned Quilt Technology adds lumbar support while reducing the industry wide problem of body impression.  In addition, Eclipse is also showing its expanded “Green” line up.  This eco-friendly line features Organic Cotton fabrics, Bio-based foams, and natural latex.

Eastman House has introduced new inner-tufted and hand tufted sets with “tufted boarders” to kick-off the 2010 market.  The ultra premium brand has also continued to expand its line-ups with their Coil on Coil innerspring design and has added new box spring design, as well.

Attendees of the grand opening will enjoy new and innovative product line-ups that continue to allow retailers of the “E-brands” some of the best margins in the industry.  Refreshments will be served.

Eastman House, originally the flagship line of the Chittenden and Eastman Company was founded in 1866.  Over the past 142 years, the company has developed the reputation of producing the highest quality mattresses with unrivaled comfort, support and durability.  In late 2007, Mattress Development Company (the parent company of Eclipse International) purchased Eastman House and began licensing the ultra premium brand to mattress manufacturers around the world. 

Eclipse International is a bedding manufacturing cooperative, using manufacturing and marketing expertise to develop scientifically advanced bedding systems.  Eclipse crafted the clinically proven and patented Spinal Zone, Spinal Zone 2, Lumbar Zone, Allergy Free, LifEdge perimeter support systems, and patent pending Zone Quilt Technology..  In May 2000, Stuart Carlitz, President of Bedding Industries of America and Mattress Development Company, acquired Eclipse and all intellectual properties and began licensing it around the world.

The mission of Eclipse is to provide ongoing research, product development, patented design and marketing innovation to develop unparalleled sleep products for healthy sleep. 

For additional information, contact Mr. Stuart Carlitz at Eclipse/Eastman House Headquarters at 800-634-8434 or by email at BedShop@aol.com.