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Furniture News TV announced that its newly launched website featuring webisodes of visits to retail stores and manufacturing plants has been received with an overwhelming response from the furniture industry.
Jack Wells, CEO of Wells Consulting and marketing, the creators of Furniture News TV said, "the comments from the industry was overwhelmingly positive. We weren't sure that the furniture industry was ready for web TV when we started this project, but viewership has been more than we expected, and we have already had to increase our bandwidth to handle the traffic."
The newest webisode this week features The Great American Home Store with two locations one in Memphis TN. and the other located in Southaven MS. The show will feature video of the store as well as interviews from Ron Becker and marketing director Ellen Dykes.
"The purpose of the furniturenewstv.com is to have an ongoing point of destination and communication for insiders of the furniture industry. The furniture industry is growing and changing, and to keep up with that growth, this site became a necessary tool for retailers and manufacturers," continued Mr. Wells. "Furniturenewstv.com has been a work in progress for many years, but with the advancement of todays technology, it became a reality. Internet technology is quickly changing the way any company or organization communicates and does business and has become an important tool for retailers and manufacturers. We are pleased to be able to offer the furniture industry a place to go for the latest news. We want the website to be a preferred destination.
"We feel in time, furniturenewstv.com will become an important tool for manufacturers and other vendors to showcase their products, as well as learn more about what is current in the industry."
Manufacturers who have an interest in showcasing their products on furniturenewstv.com, can contact J. Wells Consulting regarding web video production of affordable plant tours and product showcases and other capabilities. Sponsorships are limited.