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Demountable Concepts, Inc. Announced Demountable Hybrid System

Furniture World Magazine


Demountable Concepts announced the introduction of a hybrid system for lower gross weight delivery trucks. "Over the last few years," says Michael Fret of Demountable Concepts, "many companies delivering products by truck have incorporated smaller class 3-5 trucks into their delivery fleets in a bid to control escalating fuel costs, add scheduling flexibility, and increase the range of services they offer customers. ":Customer requests generated by this trend led Demountable Concepts, Inc. to develop a new demountable, or “swap-body” system that can be used with smaller delivery trucks." The new Demountable Hybrid System streamlines delivery processes. Companies can make more deliveries per day while reducing rush loading and double handling by using multiple demountable bodies with each low GVW truck in their fleet. Instead of pulling and staging orders and then loading them into the truck when it returns from the route, the entire order can be loaded directly into a free-standing demountable body at the facility. When a truck finishes its delivery route the empty body is swapped with an already loaded body and the driver and truck are back on the road in less than ten minutes. The new Demountable Hybrid System offers companies with smaller trucks the same economic advantage enjoyed by operations using the Demountable System with the larger straight delivery trucks in their fleets. Each truck’s chassis is equipped with a lock down system that facilitates the mounting and demounting of free-standing cargo bodies. Separating the body from the truck enables companies to spend less to increase their delivery capacity by acquiring additional bodies instead of purchasing new trucks. The Hybrid System also saves companies money by making overtime loading unnecessary since free-standing bodies can be loaded during regular business hours while the truck is making deliveries. Since taking advantage of maximum payload weight capacity in smaller trucks is especially important the system utilizes crank-down legs which are removed instead of stored under the body. For more information on how fleets with smaller trucks can take advantage of interchangeable flat bed, van, curtain-side or refrigerated bodies for each truck in their fleet with the Demountable Hybrid System contact Michael Frett by phone at 1-800-254-3643 ext. 105 or email: mfrett@demount.com.