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Advertising That Sells

Furniture store specific tips and techniques from advertising expert David Love

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Are You Using This Easy Way To Make More Money?

Larger sales come from always suggesting an add-on as you complete the sale you're working on. Amazon.com is a master at doing this.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Do you shop at Trader Joe’s?

Do you think it’s easier to sell a $1499 dining room . . . or a $499 mattress set . . . or a $799 leather recliner . . . or a $599 sofa . . . or, or, or, than it is to sell a $1.99 jar of pizza sauce?

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Try This “Can’t Miss” Ad Headline Formula.

Testimonials make great ad headlines.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: How To Get Prospects To Respond To Your Ads. Part 2

In last week’s article, I suggested that adding the word “New” would strengthen just about any headline and ad. Versions of “New” include “Announcing.” “Just arrived.” “Here now.” Here are a couple of examples:

Love Furniture Profits Tip: How To Get Prospects To Respond To Your Ads.

Here are just a few examples of headlines that will catch her attention and draw her into your ad.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Collecting Customer Information

What do you do after someone visits your web site and fills out your sign-up form?

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Secrets of Sales-Winning Advertising

Highlights from a recent High Point seminar that received the highest rating possible from 100% of the attendees.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Are Your Ads Ethical Or Misleading Like Some I See?

Consumers are not stupid. Sometimes it seems, for some reason, our industry thinks they are.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: 11 Ways To Get More Out Of Each Client

It’s been reported that she is worth at least 10 times her initial purchase. Here are 12 ways to get more.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Are your 2015 ad plans in place?

If not, here’s an outline I use with clients that might be helpful for you.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Don’t be fooled by Response Rates

Advertising response Rates really have nothing to do with ROI.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Year-End Review of Good Stuff

Year-end review of some of the most important topics, strategies and ideas I've shared with you during this past year.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: 5 Marketing Secrets You Can Profit From (Secret Tip #5)

For your ads to achieve Maximum Response, rather than just Some Response, try using “Different” and “Unusual” Advertising and Marketing Strategies.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: 5 Marketing Secrets You Can Profit From (Secret Tip #4)

The only purpose of Advertising is to make sales. Period.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: 5 Marketing Secrets You Can Profit From (Secret Tip #3)

Even the best furniture or mattress store in the world will struggle, suffer, maybe even have to close without a steady flow of good REPEAT customers.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: 5 Marketing Secrets You Can Profit From (Secret Tip #2)

Even the best furniture or mattress store in the world will struggle, suffer, maybe even have to close without a steady flow of good NEW customers.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: 5 Unknown Furniture Marketing Secrets You Can Profit From

Secret #1. Being good at what you do is not good enough.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: People like to deal with people.

If you’re not making your business as personal as you can, you might want to start.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Gift-With-Purchase.

A time honored marketing strategy. Are you using it effectively?

Love Furniture Profits Tip: We Must ‘Serve’ Our Clients In Order To Sell Them

Every store in the world talks about service. But, if ‘service’ is so important to the success of your store, why doesn’t your advertising serve your clients?

Love Furniture Profits Tip: How To Get Maximum Mileage From Testimonials

Use as many testimonials as you can in these easy ways.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Do You Provide A “Wow!” Experience For Your Guests?

It’s important to get your guests talking about you after they leave the store.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Why Testimonials Are So Important

Testimonials help make what you say in your ads and on your web site believable.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: How To Get Free Media Exposure.

Press releases are often more read than ads because they are news.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Sell The Sale Or Event Itself If You Want To Pull More Buyers

We spend lots of money selling products in our ads. How bout ‘selling’ the Sale as well.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: More From One Of The ‘Old Masters’ Introduced Last Week

Your prospects and customers are not as easy to motivate to buy as you think.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Think About This As You Prepare Your Next Ad

Four tough questions from one of the ‘Old Masters.’

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Why Advertise?

A simple question. You might be surprised at my answer.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Keep Her In Your Store!

More reasons why Selling Signs are so important to your sales and profits.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Your Store, Too, Is A Product To Be Sold.

We spend lots of money selling products in our ads. How bout ‘selling’ your store as well.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Are You Cashing In On All Your Store’s Traffic?

Lack of ‘selling signs’ is a major contributor to wasted advertising dollars and wasted floor traffic.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: How To Stop Wasting Ad dollars.

Make sure that your advertising addresses the underlying principles of effective advertising.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: More ad checklist items revealed.

Even experienced pilots have them. Astronauts have them. Do you have a checklist? An ad checklist, that is.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Even Experienced Pilots Have Checklists. Do You? An Ad Checklist, That Is.

Do you have an “Oh no. How could I have forgotten that or done that?” ad checklist? Not following one could suppress response to your advertising. Something you don’t need.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Media. The Third Leg Of Your Marketing Stool.

The medium you use to get your message into the hands and minds of your market.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Market. It's The Second Leg of the 3-Legged Marketing Stool.

Once you know what your message is, decide what is your market.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: More About Your Message

Most furniture advertising has no message at all. Creating a unique message will enhance all your marketing efforts.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: You’re Asking The Wrong Question.

if you're asking yourself which medium to use to advertise, asking two other questions first will help you decide.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: How To Get The Furniture Or Mattress Shopper To Visit Your Store And Not The Others.

Giving her good reasons to choose your store will boost traffic, sales and profits.

Love Furniture Profits Tip: Tell Your Prospects and Customers What You Want Them To Do Next

Whether your web site, newspaper ad, flyer, letter or post card, be sure your readers know what you want them to do next.

How To Create Advertising That Sells. Five Easy Steps Anyone Can Follow - Step #5 - More about Benefits.

Prospects buy for one reason and one reason only. Benefits. Here are some examples you can copy and use in your ads.

How To Create Advertising That Sells. Five Easy Steps Anyone Can Follow - Step #4 - Benefits.

Prospects buy for one reason and one reason only. Benefits.

How To Create Advertising That Sells. Five Easy Steps Anyone Can Follow - Step #3. Layout.

How layout affects ad response. Your ad layout should reveal, not conceal, the message.

How To Create Advertising That Sells. Five Easy Steps Anyone Can Follow - Step #2 Continued

More about advertising copy and why intelligent people want to read intelligent ads.

How To Create Advertising That Sells. Five Easy Steps Anyone Can Follow - Step #2

All about advertising copy and why Intelligent people want to read intelligent ads.

How To Create Advertising That Sells. Five Easy Steps Anyone Can Follow - Step #1

Every ad must start with a good headline. There are several headline elements which research shows to be successful.

5 Profit-Draining Mistakes You Make In Your Advertising Every Day And What You Can Do About It.- Part 5

Failure to make your advertising personal.

5 Profit-Draining Mistakes You Make In Your Advertising Every Day And What You Can Do About It.- Part 4

Failure to make your advertising accountable.

5 Profit-Draining Mistakes You Make In Your Advertising Every Day And What You Can Do About It.- Part 3

Since people buy to get benefits, the best way to get them to read the copy in your ad is to promise a benefit in the headline.

5 Profit-Draining Mistakes You Make In Your Advertising Every Day And What You Can Do About It.- Part 2

Here is a common misconception responsible for robbing furniture and bedding retailers of millions upon millions of dollars in available sales and profits every day, every month, every year.

5 Profit-Draining mistakes you make in your advertising every day and what you can do about it- Part 1.

The most glaring mistake almost all advertisers make today is failure to talk about benefits in their ads.